Soul-Centered Astrological Counseling
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience... Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I'm a soul-centered astrological counselor. I concentrate on both your spiritual journey as well as your life experience and want to show you how your life experience is serving your spiritual journey.
ASTROLOGY IS A STUDY OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS... At the time of your captured a moment in time. Astrological analysis studies the blooming of your moment.
Thank you so much for your insight. You are gifted... Irene M., Professional Photographer,Portland, OR
I honor your work as an astrologer. You were so helpful to me. I feel like your call to me, was a gift from God... Jenny G., Author&Yoga Teacher, Wellsboro, PA
Thank you sooo much! This was just what I needed. I know you were sent by the Divine... Tina S., Hynotherapist & Hypnosis Instructor Tecumseh, MI
Thanks again for the chart reading! Everything you said was dead-on and it explained and confirmed a lot. It definetly contributed to my optimism!... Amanda B., Massage Therapist, Orlando, FLA
So many thanks for your timely, very acute observations and generosity. It was the most in-depth and personal reading I have ever had. I am amazed at the "nail on the head" aspect of our conversation. Your interpretation and observations are uncanny and your encouragement very appreciated. I hope that I will be able someday to in turn assist someone as you have me. Thank you again for your kindness... Colleen H., Art Gallery MGR, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Thank you Lisa! You're the best!... Michele J., Health Spa Owner, Saint Louis, MO
I'm a graduate of Michigan State University with a double major in Education and Social Science. My education also includes... after graduation 39 years of independent study and research in metaphysics, spirituality, self-healing and esoteric (concentrates on the spiritual/soul) astrology. My work as a professional Astrologer, of 36 years, began in Los Angeles. I lived there for 10 years and had the opportunity to read many charts including the charts of well known artists... mostly musicians. I have also, been involved professionally in publishing. I lived in Kansas City, Mo. for 8 years where... for a time... published my own magazine. Much of my objective was to help raise awareness and consciousness... knowing that to do this enriches and deepens the life experience. I also do energy healing work and have received my Advanced Certification in a form of energy therapy called EFT. This can be helpful in my Astrology practice in that the natal chart shows many of the blockages we must overcome in order to realize our full potential and experience wellness on all levels... mind, body and spirit. It's amazingly effective in unblocking the blockages. I do this in conjunction with my Astrology work if I feel my client might benefit and/or it's requested by them.
I offer both in person and telephone consultations. Please contact me at 928.978.9767 or